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07/12/2011 Newsflash: ICO imposes yet another monetary penalty

On 5 December, Powys County Council was fined £130,000 by the Information Commissioner’s Office after details of a child protection case were sent to the wrong recipient, having been included in an envelope with a different report. This is the highest monetary penalty imposed to date.

28/11/2011 Newsflash: ICO imposes two more monetary penalties

Worcestershire County Council and North Somerset Council have both been fined this month by the Information Commissioner’s Office (£80,000 and £60,000 respectively) after sending emails containing sensitive information to unintended recipients.

See OBEP’s Article dated 09/11/2011 below on previous penalties: How the loss of a laptop can lead to a hefty fine.

09/11/2011 Article: How the loss of a laptop can lead to a hefty fine

Recent monetary penalties from the Information Commissioner’s Office show the importance of implementing formal data protection controls.

08/11/2011 Article: Searching for flowers: the blossoming ECJ judgment

A cutting edge judgment from the European Court of Justice on trade mark infringement relating to the use of Google ‘AdWords’.

03/10/2011 Article: Have you protected your business name?

Highlights some key considerations on the legal protection of business names and logos.

21/09/2011 Publication: IT contractor guide to data protection – part 2

Published by Contractor UK (, this article is the second part of an IT contractor guide to data protection, looking at the rights of IT contractors.

20/09/2011 Publication: IT contractor guide to data protection – part 1

Published by Contractor UK (, this article is the first part of an IT contractor guide to data protection, looking at obligations of IT contractors.

08/09/2011 Publication: Contractors’ Questions: Does leaving me unpaid reduce their right to IP?

Published by Contractor UK (, this article addresses a question posted by an IT service provider: Contractors’ Questions: Does leaving me unpaid reduce their right to IP? The response explores potential rights and options when a customer fails to pay you for your work.